Have a swamp deck. Used to play then thought is sucked. Used Phage the Unfotunate with MJOIN of Night Reach
lolz. Anyways i was thinking of starting dark Elves what would you say be a good Tourney list? Also my other armies are Brettonians, Imperial...
Palequin.... Weird........... Hmm what? Ah who cares? fighting on the internet is buying tickets to the Special Olympics. Need to point out...
Read the top of the page. It says and i quote
http://www.Warseer.com This is like the 80th time I've posted this.
Yes I believe so.
Skink characters Tic Tac Toe is one of the skinks Tenheiun I thought was the Prophet And to my knowlege there is no Skink riding a Palenquin...
No it won't. Guarantee. Tic Tac Toe Lord Kroak Mazdamudi Saurus Oldblood guy Tekenhein ( Technically he still does exsist.) Nakai is not...
The betrayers of sotek. What if sotek was actually the Blood God Khorne? Then these people supposedly thought he was the God. and then He...
Fine whateva. Though from what that says the Slann will be more Affordable but at a Downgrade.
Well first srry bout my original response. Can't get that quote to work properly. Well srry about the temple Guard thing. really though if the...
They don't get a new lore. God damn you guys. http://warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=128514
Whos enough of a dumbass to use Light Infantry against a Dinosaur. Lets see what can take down a Stegadon. I can't find my codex so I'll just...
I did the opposite and converted a dragon Ogre using a Cold One and a Ogre. Copied that from a white Dwarf I think. But no never heard of that...
Re: Started Painting Today! Haven't looked to much at this. But for your troops I would recommend dark Angels green Ink and the a dry brush of...
More troops. Thats all I have to say. Whenever I play I take atleast 2 blocks of 20 Saurus in Rows of 6.
Not a bad list. I think the formation will work well but maybe put it like this. __steg__...
Okay. From the look of the actual book ( Go to Warseer if you really give a flying F:*^&) Anyways. Slann getting downgrade but now are actually...
Now I am a cruel person I don't like posting much put critic I am. Dude it isn't the army that is bad. Its the player. Anyways. Gl with the...