In a word: javelins. You don't pay for move and shoot, plus you can stand and shoot at any range.
I have to disagree. Pg. 91 of the Liz book clearly says under Weapons & Armor: None If you read the fluff, the Slaan doesn't actually fight....
I believe it was FAQ'd that it doesn't stack. It does however, give my skinks w/javelins a 4+ save the same as my Saurus! Pretty sweet!
I always run my Slaan solo. Like the others said, make him ethereal and give him the Divine Plaque of Protection for 2+ ward save against ranged...
A Slaan cannot use weapons or armor. Pg. 91 of Lizardmen RB. Sorry, but that's an illegal build.
In my opinion, ETC is an attempt to retro-fit Warhammer back into 7th edition. Giving points for units at half strength or fleeing, as one...
Dirty pool? Compared to what: Dwarves fielding umpteen runed up war machines that pretty much auto hit each round? Demons with an army wide...
$30 for one Salamander?!? What alternate universe do the people at GW live in? They move to cheaper materials to lower their costs, then up the...
This is pretty distressing, since I'm attending a tourney this weekend at my local game store, and I ordered a sally for my buy in. Bad thing is,...
The ancient is also STR 6, which is huge when taking on the other big baddies. I've had my ancient stand toe to toe with hydras, treemen, and the...
I agree with new skinks. You gave us the ability to rank up in our new book, now give us models that will do it too. As for the dinos, I just...
As long as you paint him albino white, you can use almost any fig you want. He's going to stand out and leave no doubt as to where he is. I used...
@ Pyre: Miasma is "until start of next magic phase" as well.
When Dwarf and Empire players start feeling bad about shooting 3 to 5 war machines at me every turn, I'll start feeling bad about hitting them...
I've been playing that you DO take a penalty for move and shoot and S&S with the Steg. I've found nothing in our rulebook or FAQ that says they...
Totally agree with bringing back the Sacred Spawnings. They're a cool way of customizing your army, too.
Thanks for the link. Gonna give this a try, maybe on a smaller scale.
I'm not real fond of the engine. Most of it's effects are only 12", so you have to put the Steg in the "danger zone". Most opponents direct all...
I recommend at least one Ancient Steg. It seems to be able to stand toe to toe with all the other big booglies out there: hydra, spider, etc....
Crap like this makes me glad that in my area we play zero comp, full BRB rules and scenarios. The problem is, the comp crowd is still living in...