Once they develop the internet they'll realise they won't even need to leave their chair/palanquin to make others miserable. By then they'd have...
I'm not so interested in tactics and have little time to paint . What content I could produce could be a) transcribing fluff - I guess in this...
This is such a good basis for a story. I demand one be written. Please.
Never doubt Bob's capacity to mine the dusty warrens of the forum based on a glib reference or disturbed memory. I have suspicion that his...
Best thing to do is jump in the literary spawning pool with both feet and see what comes forth :p or sacrifice a goat to the Great Artzifartzi....
Douglas Adams does the Old Ones. I'm hoping that Tlanxla will find himself across the universe, chased by bureaucratic, poetry-loving daemons as...
:eek: Such heresy. Got a thing for pyramids then Mr. N? ;) I started with the lizards, moved on to daemons. Apparently I have a thing for the...
I'm upset I've only just found this. I sniggered.
I'm still awaiting your Birdo
I love it when ancient threads are resurrected. I smell necroforumancy. Yessssss. You've still got half a month to submit a story to @Scalenex -...
Well, you know what NIGHTBRINGER? Maybe YOU reek of 40k! Yeah, I said it. Since when do Slann wear hats anyway? Hats are closer to helmets then...
HA. Yes, this is my main misgiving about the models.Fortunately it's one easily rectified. I actually quite like this release overall. In the...
You say that and yet we're trying to impose some level of social paradigm on pseudo-mesoamerican space-lizards. I think taking on Diamond's...
I was reading your post and just about to bring this book up. I second this reading suggestion.
Pray tell
I honestly have no idea how I'd even begin to make yours. MS Paint...right?
SQUEEEE- Seriously. I love you guys. My smile cracked open wider with each entry. I thought four votes was too much, now I think it's too...
As above, really. More white and creams as atm I think the colour is a little homogenous. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea, but atm I think...
Yes and yes. The Mortal Realms needs a lot more love in order to be fleshed out, but I'm hopeful considering a) they've not yet covered/only just...
Interesting topic! Certainly, the reason that the lesser races and the Lizardmen venerate their dead would be wildly different. This got me...