I use elephants so... It's a lot cheaper and WAR RLEPHANTS!
Were off to see the lizard! The wonderful lizard of oz!
Is the blue flamey thing floating. Oh my god i love you.
Thanks guys! Ill post some pics when i get a nee camera.
Loving the colors!
That steg is stunning!
Note to self: Tagelmusts are hard to tie. Really hard. DONT
I'm about 1500 pts into my army and decided to make them more unique. So I'm going to make them african themed. I will use elephants as stegs,...
Hold them hostage until they do. If they dont, sacrifice them to sotek!
You could be lazy and link to the lexicanum :D
Hehe... Green Day. :D
So skink priests can use undeath or is it still just beasts and heavens? Also is there a way for me to get the stats and point cost aside from...
How viable is the lore of undeath for lizzies? I feel like it could help by providing some cheap infantry but besides that is there any other...