I tried for some odd reason it made it very difficult to tell the backscales from the rest of the skin at least imo it did I only tested it on one...
how?? seriously their tails are all at chest level I cant figure out how to make them rank and file
I just got oxyotl and was wondering how to paint glass. I was thinking green for the fluid then the empty part would be maybe like a light space...
The picture in the 8th edition rule book shows that skirmishers are still in a "box" formation just placed about a 1/2 inch apart. So do they...
Slanns to either A) have the old way 6th edition method of choosing spells or B) Loremaster standard New Lord choices maybe a Skink...
decided I am going for a gray scheme. the skink is fortress the back scales are codex with a wash of badab the shield is solar orange a wash of...
thought about trying to make a pure tank oldblood aka through him at a squad and just let him hold them up by himself. but I have a question if...
I was thinking of having him lead my 1k and 1.5k armies and was looking for some advice.
not to derail this but I have a qucik rules question the ignore miscasts on a 2+ does that include the miscast that comes from irresistable force?
I know everyone is saying 2x5 but do you think one squad of seven counting stalker and in higher games adding oxyotl to them would be good enough?
Oldblood 2 HW Hide of the cold one for armor Carnosaur pendent Venom of the firefly frog... if nothing else it paints a pretty awesome image of...
but building the 500 point was to quick so figure jump start this one Core: Saurus 20 Standard bearer Musician Champion Skinks 20 Skinks...
Spending alot of time assembling and painting the with which is now a pain the the arse to include in fact id like to see skink lords like maybe...
yea if some are small enough all my chameleon skinks will be standing on them blending in to them
What is the best way to do jungle like bases without painting. I tend to base after painting....one time I based before painting it came out...
not sure if special characters are allowed if they are I might take oxotyl is he any good to lead my skink chameleons? I think I will start with...
Okay, a second box of saurus my current are hw and shieldshould I keep the second box the same or make thm spear users? For champ how would one...
has anyone tried using the plague of dominion(that's the stupidity one right I kindof get them confused) giving it to a skink standard bearer and...
current list 28 saurus counting one full command 14 temple guard coutning full command and 4 piece mail TGs made out of saurus and tg bits rough...
so for this escalation league I was tempted when I get to 2k to have my lord be an old blood on a carnosaur. Are they any good in 8th and any...