In 8th are they any good, I never got any and whenever I read their abilities in older editions I sort of felt meh about them.
Not sure how big they are but I think I can fit them on the base with teh carnosaur slann stega etc but not sure what else to do to the bases...
an escalation league is starting in April problem is I suck at making low point armies lol. Basic rule for the first round is core only. what...
hmm maybe I'll drop teh scar vet in exchange for a oldblood on a carnasaur
does my engine of the gods count as rare or as part of the character?
Heros and lords: Slann 1 Three Disciplines 1 Cupped hands of old ones 1 Diadem of power 1 Curse Charm of Tepok 1 Scar vet 1 Shield 1 armor 1...
considering the new percentage rules are there any online or free army planning software? need to start working on my lizzies for an escalation...
Not sure what I could get answered here but. I will be doing a whfb escalation league starting in april and need to get the new rulebook I guess...
where does it say that though? been trying to find it in the book.
I'm not exactly sure if this would work or not so wanted to throw it out there and see what you all think. What about a lone slann with ethereal...
Me and my friend haven't played fantasy that much save for recently so if I am right I'll go with that being the reason for this. In the rule...
if your good with green stuff impale 2 dark elves on the front horns. Then it might make more sense
My friend picked up teh night goblins from the skull pass set. then added some more to it for a 1k army He has determined that this army will...
Okay in my helping design an army for my gf I sadly decided I might need a new army myself, but I really don't want to spend a lot I probably wont...
This is what I threw together for wood elves for the learning game her opponent would be night gobbos the cluster of radiants is because the gobbo...
my plan backfired because I have an eldar army, and a lizzie army techncially I do have a space orks army if you consider a shoebox full of orks...
Gf showing interesting in warhammer and helping her decide on an army is backfiring... looking at new armies mainly dark elf and dwarves sortof...
well she is trying to decide between high elves wood elves and dark elves, is a wood elf fast cav army easily doable, I was thinking using dryads...
Okay my GF likes cav and has actually started to really like high elves. So being bored one day I tried to help design a army that is very heavy...
Can we please all write to gw and ask them to change "immune to psychology" to something like "Super courage", "lionhearted", "Still has to take...