Sadly I do not know teh makup of my friends vampires aside from corpse cart(in a unit) and mounted wights(and prolly a vampire with command helm)...
so probably stupid question then scaley skin save of 5+ then adding on heavy armor gives you what?
Yknow like spears?
Sorry been out of the lounge lizzie loop for a while. Seeing as how temple guards are cheap money wise I kindof want to try some out. (proxying...
Hmmm reeeeeally. If he for sake of argument is in a unit of temple guard can he use the slanns leadership for stupidity tests? And I forget its...
I take it because of the cost of a cold one, the hide of teh cold ones magic item is pretty much worthless?
Darn, so would it be a good idea then just to take a skink chief and give him the totem of prophecy and put him with a saurus? My main enemy are...
I heard it's good to put a cold one in a unit of saurs for teh fear aspect but I have acouplequestions rules wise When you take teh upgrade that...
Been awhile since I've been on, my main opponent is vampire counts the one piece I'm missing is the carnosaur but he will be with the cold ones...
well the question was more how deadly would all of that hitting at once be hah. more thinking out of boredom and the image of all of that going...
In a smaller game I wanna test out something stupid basically this 5 cold ones. a scar vet on a cold one with wardrums of xehetc and a skink chief...
I was planning on sticking it on a carnosaur because my dispel scrolls and diadem are on my EOTG. may have to test different things.
What would be an average amount of cold one riders, the current planned list I have only has 5 considering their cost I was wondering is it...
Okay strange thing, started dating a girl who shows interest in warhammer. Mainly wood elves because they have teh best looking horses in her...
I only need really one more piece to my army. a oldblood on a carnosaur He will be carrying the war drums of xahutec and the revered blade of...
this is just a basic rant about the stegadon standard poles. the snap off from a light breeze GRAH.... yea that's basically it I'd re glued them...
well think about it this way. take the terradons away and replace them with old ww2 dive bombers where would the release their bombs to hit...
okay how do you use these things I was using asuramen blue I decided to make some swatches so to speak using skink shields so I cna see how...
I'm going to try and make a chariot for my lizardmen using spare parts from a stegadon. Basically it will count as a steggie with a bolt thrower....
mine isn't that style of frog specifcally but I did do a poison dart frog I'll try and get a picture later but my phone makes them to big....