Nice army! Good luck on the tournament...
My way to paint eyes: Put your elbows on the table to stabilise while painting. I also hold the miniature in my left hand (right hander)....
Really like the stone. How did you do it?
I kept them blue. So that there's a strong complementary contrast to the rippers. In fact as my r&f skinks I showed earlier in the thread.
Btw I can't get Cypres Hill's melody out of my head
Hehe...then I proudly name the chief of my 'Dactyls: Te'Ki'La
So...A short update. After I f****d up the wings I had to redo them completely... so what do you think? [ATTACH] And [ATTACH] C&c always welcome
Tach auch und willkommen :D
Nice looking models. Especially the wings are amazing...
Thanks for the input. I was thinking something easy for the shields, more in the neutral side of colours. Actually I am musing about earth tones...
So... been a whil but I finally managed to finish 60 Skinks (:cool:). So here's one as an example, finished so far (yes I know... the shield(s)...
Thanks once more for the welcome. I've been a long time lurker in the forum :) As most of you know real life consumes quiet a lot of time, so I'm...
Actually I don't know o_O. But as I want the 'dyls with their orangeish (?) colours to stand out I'll keep the wings smooth and easy, so no...
Just a little WIP... Finished first highlights. [ATTACH] And a second shot: [ATTACH] Not quite sure how to do the wings, so c&c welcome. So...
Of course....I followed a tutorial on YouTube by awaken realms, cool stuff there... Here's the link: [MEDIA]
Well, it's been quiet a time... Unfortunately I hadn't had much time to paint, and I needed a short break from painting a gazillion skinks at a...
By the way....should I add some TG? Or are they too expensive in low point games? What unit size of TG is good? Is there a sweet spot in relation...
OK thanks so far for the input. I'll crunch a little more on the list, as we only start in 4 weeks. Any further input is welcome...
Ja I tried to focus on magic a little bit. 2 bound spells against larger units (not too bad when they blow up), saurus as deterrent. ScarVet...