Hi there, after a longer break I'll be playing a little campaign here. Only thing is: no lords, one main character and his "deputy". Each one of...
Congratulations :) Really impressive!
'Schuldigung.. hatte irgendwie B im Hinterhaupt o_O
Farbschemata sind echt der Hammer. Gruss, war doch in der Nähe von B?
Up to me for a short hello to the community. After a long break (roughly 20 years due to university and job) I finally got back to fantasy/40k and...
So I finished the red scales on the spines. Will now start painting all the bling-bling as n810 mentioned ;). Actually spending some days on...
+1 on pictures :smile:
Thanks a lot...Really cool if you like the Skinks :). Continued painting the scales of the spines aka basing them with hull red to paint them...
Hi there, Welcome to my painting corner. Hopefully this blog will help me to paint more models regularly :). C&c always welcome. I'll start with...
Cool...Thanks a lot for the advice! As said above I'll let you know :smile:
Thanks a lot! Just to see I got it right: So prime black, then base colour is dawnstone. rhinohide next. Then layering by adding white to...
Hi, models look really great! One question: would you mind sharing your nmm palette? I've been trying around other methods but am not satisfied...
I'd like to place an order for 2 Rex and 3 Colossi. Mail: lfeustel@yahoo.de Thanks a lot.
Hi there, if possible I'd also like to purchase a set, so please add me to the list. Email is: nefertem@arcor.de
I took the COs as bus for the Cowboy and the TG because I had nearly exactly the points left. I could field 3 Ripperdactyls. I just didn't include...
Yes I know. As a Lizardmen player I think these restrictions are rather crippling any advantage of the army... But nevertheless... how would you...
Hi, I will take part in a local 1250 pts tournament. Armies have to comply to the following rules (they are called "small horus"...): > no lords,...
Hi there, first ofall sorry for the doublepost,I missed to erase points values...., nevertheless: I've been lurking the jungle quiet atime, and...