I agree with you but is much more realistic to point that they forgot to add a rule than make a major change of the whole army. They are not going...
Half of those you cited have special rules the give them -2 or -1. Something give -0....i have already checked...
I agree mostly but consider that Bastiladon gives no AP penalties neither on stomp or impact hits Stegadons give no AP penalties on impact, only...
Hi! I just discovered that Stegadon impact hits give NO AP malus (only stomp attacks) I wonder if GW have forgotten to add something similar as...
I read the rules again and asked around. I agree also that you can only have one shield.. no more
Yeah our items (compared to other armies) SUCK really a lot...except maybe cube of darkness that costs although a lot and the glyph with MR 2
I add the link to the official instruction that include the building of the engine of gods...(since it's the second time i google come here and...
It’s common but are you sure you can have the same shield multiple times on the same hero? I may agree RAW but is there no FAQ or something...
(Sorry for multiple post, idk how delete it)
Well I have always used kroxigor in a line 3/4 models. 6 on 2 ranks cost too much to are worth it. Before we’re really good charging 12” and...
I understand, as the same time this is just a 1000 point game. Troglodon is very costly and works best near the enemy, in melee or with breath...
I don’t remember well the rules but I think that for chariots you may use the highest toughness and armour save between chariot and skink. In this...
Thank for the report!! Nice picture too Just a question… you managed to launch moonson twice with a level 1, was quite good. If I should play a...
Only Slann can do it… in the whole warhammer world since ever, as long as I know
6th :)
I thought about that build but will cost a lot. You cannot cast spells in melee and neither dispel. You can only move to shoot magic missile. So...
I don't think will apply to bound spells either. Ok a FAQ would be great but until now i guess mostly agree that you don't get the bonus. The...
Oh dear...missed that... thats really bad too. One more reason to don't play a skink priest on ancient stegadon... (Except is the only way to...
Ah ok I missed it… it was exactly as before in 6/7ed
Both terror and break test works completely different now, maybe is a bit short here to summarize so it’s better to check the rules ;)