Adding a ps: this would be an alternative to the Slann since he it’s quite costly and I am not sure it’s worth it.
Guys what do you think about this list? I play a cowboy and 2 skinks priest with 2 engine of goods. One skink on Stegadon focusing on battle magic...
We need two ancient stegadons to get +1 to cast. Tzeentch get the same within a unit of 10 models… so slanns are no longer the best
Yes you can, sure about that ad already checked with other experts. It says it stops line of sight
I played last week a 1500 points game (have lot of units but not enough behemots for 2000 list). I had Oldblood on carnosaurs, skink chief BSB on...
I made a 2000 list and could fit 1) Stegadon with skink chief and giant bow 2) an ancient Stegadon with engine of gods 3) eventually a Bastiladon...
Just 1 wounds… yeah a good one but it costs 55 points and maybe you use just once. With miscast with still have a good chance to launch a spell...
You can take best armour save, ward save is give to both. The list is interesting however idk if I would like to play so many stegadons. Maybe a...
Yeah but remember if you play just one he can’t dispel in melee
Guys what do you think about Bastiladon? i am bit split upon it. I mean i LOVE the miniature and couldn't play it in 6 and 7ed that i play since...
I would like although to ask your opinions about two other items: cube of darkness, lovely autodispel (but even with risk to dispel own remain in...
The only place I may see that sword (but still not convinced on that) is on a hero/temple guard champion inside an infantry
21.797 - Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur - Great Weapon, Aura of Quetzl, Talisman of Protection 22.143 - Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur - Great Weapon,...
I like it safe too. But if you cannot stop a dragon and you cost 400 points you are doing it wrong. Then just better to have it on a cold one....
Yeah but Stegadon have a 15” range. And they can fail too cast too. Last but not least there are 100 points of difference. I don’t think one is...
Why no protection? You can still have a talisman of protection and an armour save of 4+. It’s not a big armour save that’s true but you have the...
Regarding be hitted… WS 5 or 6 doesn’t matter a lot against the rider but does matter against the dragon, mostly will have big heroes on dragons...
Just a question… no one thinking to play revered tzunki blade+ talisman of protection? but you need to play an oldlord instead a veteran I...
Badazzling helm and ws 7 and the carnosaur hit at 6+. Good with the sword to be sure ;)
If you don’t play Slann and want to focus more on melee, which item should you choose between: - cube of darkness - wand of jet for +1 dispel...