I personally would make the actual icon you want to put on the shields. The icon can then be used to create a negaitve of the item. I'd place...
Either that or place your temple guard in a way that will allow them to fit too. I'd just build their bases up so that they were still lower than...
The body looks great, I want to know about the eyes. They look like some kind of gem. Really cool the way they turned out.
I love the idea you have. I can't wait, like the others, to see it completed. Didymus has a grea idea. I'd paint a bit of blue or brown under...
I'm sure the research guys figured out the actual price someone is willing to pay. What I would still liketo know is why? Is it because there are...
That was a bum rush then on your part! I'm surprised you made it across the board even with a few models left. I agree with skink; if you had...
I paint like this all the time. I neither have the time or the money to make A fancy model. I personally like dipping. Dipping allows me to come...
It looks really well done. I'm looking forwArd to seeing the other models too.
What I've learned from my research is both. You have to work certain things at certain times of the hardening process. Either way, a lot more...
He is a dandy! I'd like to see a few videos from him on Youtube. It would help with my kindergarten gs skills.
Good idea. I have tried and failed with water effects for my zomibies. What I would suggest you do to improve the water is to maybe insert a...
I love simplicity, especially on the tabletop. You talked about keeping the troops simple. How do you make the characters fancier?
I was going to post a question on this too. I'm glad a few folks have pointed out the weaknesses. Is there anything else that we can do? It...
Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update May 26th***) Wow, I'm flabbergasted! The amount of paint, the color scheme, the use of all those...
Those are some great points. I'm glad you brought them up. I have not touched a wargaming table in about 4 years and running. I doubt I will...
This is the finished product for the Terradons. I have three more terradons that will complete the backside of the pool. [attach] This unit above...
This sounds very doable. The question I have for you, is what type of painting style will you use? Looking forward to the outcome. Let the...
Cool models. The red and green you have are great! Is it the pictures or the models that seem to have a little bit of purple on the beaks?...
The fifth edition Lizardmen book has a great Spanish Conquistador diorama with it. I think originality would be an issue if you were to use...
Dang, maybe we just need to switch places! I did want to let you all know that I have started a "rush to the finish" contest. It will see me...