I really didn't care if they were overpriced in points or not. I have found that when Warhammer changes it is like a pendulum. For instance: I...
Those are very true words. I'm not for sure if they just did a knee jerk because they thought skirmishers were too overpowered? I like you...
I like the models. How will you help yourself discern between units? Will they have different colored banners/champion models? As for the eyes:...
I had to copy the actual link into another tab but they look great. I especially like the Tehenhuin ?Spelling? he has a great paint job on him....
I'm a big fan of CoolMiniOrNot.com They have a plethora of articles, forums, blogs, and pics! Here is one of those articles. I saw it a few...
Well another great day. The wife gave me some time to work on the models I've been itching to complete. These models were some of the first to get...
I believe it's great you are getting your son to do some work! Heck if they can walk they can start working... at least that's what I think my...
I'm a fan of simplicity. It makes for quicker model completion and therefore I can get more done in the small amount of time I have. The models...
I haven't gone too overboard either on the droppers. Owning about 100 lessons the effects of buying one for a dollar or 100 for 15$. Either way,...
Do you mix your paints with droppers? I am a little OCD and always do this to ensure I get the results time and again. Nothing, thankfully, was...
I thought you had stopped painting there for a bit. That model is great. I love the added bonus of the skink just in the precarious position....
I talked about it on Thinker's plog but I was set to finish a whole unit of saurus cavalry. I was baffled by the horrible spray splatter that...
Isn't that from the old lizard swarm? Either way, it's a sweet idea!
@Thinker: man that sounds pretty rough. It also sounds like some of the dice should be publicly humiliated/sacrificed to the dice gods. It will...
I found this site just a few days ago. The color you are looking for is further down on the list. Good luck...
I have found that dipping the entire model WILL mean you have to pull a bit off afterwards. Nothing big, just use some old brush to get the...
I will be painting all the models with a base of sky blue, a vallejo color. The Vallejo colors are really easy to mix with Windex and then apply...
It'll probably be there. I'm just a fan of using things that cost me little but the payoff is great. I've done a few more skink models and...
There is a lot of blue, but that is like saying most people paint dark elves in black, or wood elves in brown and green, or night goblins in black.
I like the color scheme. Especially since the rest of your army looks just as sharp. I would have told anyone else to be careful of such a bold...