1st, you can only have kroxigore in the 2nd rank, they cant spam 2 deep(I kow =( ) 2nd great reach is effectively ignored. But that's OK because...
He would always be put off to the side as per the BRB. Sorry I would quote a page but I don't have it handy. It's in the section detailing...
You're correct, but you would need a really big tree to essentially block LOS from where he is, and where he can get to with his movement. Its...
no no, that's the problem, I'm looking at terrradons(the mount) not terradons with riders. I don't think it matters in this instance though,...
I actually just checked my AB, and the terradon stats in it are the same as the BRB.
Checking my BRB the terradon does in fact have an entire complete statline. Since its MC it does in fact have stomp, UNLESS it says somewhere...
Riders toughness is used due to the cavalry rules. Riders wounds are also used due to the Monstrous cavalry rule(use the highest wounds) Terradons...
Generally in my units I run my Temple Guard and Saurus bricks as 5 wide, and 4-5 deeps(I run groups of 20 so), while my Skinks ran 10 wide....
As a spell, wouldn't it need to follow the standard spell targeting restrictions(in LOS, etc)?
Yes they are, one of the DE players picked up a bunch extra and sold em to me(I really hate the current cold one range for LM so).
Hey there. I've been painting all my LM models to the tune of the GW paint scheme. Painting is pretty easy with the new(now old) GW washes. For...
a character on a carnosaur(wether old blood or kroq-gar) operate using the ridden monster rules(BRB pg 105). I'll give a quick run down, and...
I really wish you guys would cite sources. seriously. Since I don't get challenged all that much with my Slann(too many old bloods ride herd with...
You can always do the privateer press(where I learned it from) method of highlighting up from black. Basecoat in black, then a dark mix of black,...
*golf clap* This is an excellently painted model. The stonework on the mace looks particularly realistic(an effect I'm still trying to...
The lore attribute is quite clear, the wording pretty unambiguous, and fairly simple even. I point now to Strewart, not as a means of attack,...
Purple sun of xereus doesn't cause wounds, thus the wording needed to be included otherwise the spell itself wouldn't generate any attribute dice.
The Lore of Death Attribute just says that for each unsaved wound you cause you do your die roll for more dice. Thus even if its a 1 wound model...
1 hit per model it covers(or partially covers). Check the FAQ on how it pertains to complex models(like stegadons or ridden monsters), Though...