note: CHARACTER, not model, thus only applies to characters. You can't just ignore the rules like that......... I want to try explaining...
Pg 98 only deals with characters, not ALL large sized models, just FYI Mr. "it's written in the rules" Also note, the bold parts are just quick...
Leave it to BEEF to find that. and here I was all about to say that after rethinking the bell, that u couldn't SA thru it. You guys can skip...
about time someone actually came up with a good argument. ignore underlined, go to next post for it I suppose your right as far as RAW goes, but...
Customer service is right. why? ranks and rank bonuses are 2 completely separate arrangements. while in most cases they are equal, in a mixed...
Do keep in mind that the rules only state that a kroxigores counts as 4 skinks for the purposes of rank bonus, not actual ranks. Thus if you...
oh good, i was hoping i hadn't missed something dreadfully important.
Isn't that what its done all along, was count you as a wizard 1 lvl higher w/o the bonus spell? What does this rewording change if anything?
FAQ: Q: If a Wizard has had his level reduced to 0 does he still counts as a Wizard and can he still attempt to channel Power and Dispel dice?...
i personally think as lizerdmen we should ban any army with more ranged combat than our own....
I just quickly checked and i couldn't find blowpipes having Q2F in the BRB. I did find the javelins, but could you post the page number on the...
Wouldn't they flee from the TG because they're the bigger unit? or am I just thinking of the flee/pursue from multiple units rules?
Dwarves and Ogres come to mind right off the hop for I1/2 armies. Undead might too.
wow, maybe we should ban dwellers below when used against a low strengtharmy? or any other characteristic test on low stat armies. That's why...
just a question, but couldn't you also run a scar vet(or old blood) with both swords? ummm, as I hit submit, i totally remembered why you can't...
Does the "max at 1+" wording of the rule only count for positive(thus lowering the numerical value of the save) modifiers, or does it cap after...
it has to do with cup rolling the miscast before you get to use its ability. its not that throne goes off before the miscast, its that cup goes...
1 question I'd like to float in here. Assume the slanns the only character left in the squad, and gets challenged, naturally, you decline. Does...
not much of a coversion per se, but.... [attach]
Lizardmen with a slann and the extra die ability, have a power die pool limit of 11. no fuss, no muss.