Alright, fine, so by your logic. I cast a spell saying "all mounts in range gain +1 attack" so now, it's actually all mounts and all riders/crew...
I'm saying that whether its a single model or not, its not targeting the model, only 1 part of it. if it said, anywhere in the spell anything...
alright, lets try this then. steed of shadows: " steed of shadows is an augment spell that can be cast on the wizard or a frendly charecter...
under ridden monster "if a character has a ridden monster, the whole model is treated as having the trop type monster and thus follows all the...
I think it would be better to use it with kroq-gar to get himself in range for his god hand, or even an engine of the god to use its ability. As...
as per rules scatter pg 9: "If a Hit! is rolled on the scatter dice, the object does not move...."
the thing is, it is only targeting the character, and not the mount, to say the spell targets one thing, and suddenly targets another is silly....
except the spell isn't targeting the mount, just the character. So yes the skink chief is a LEGAL target for the spell, does he get anything out...
no, his weapons and shields are equipment, the stegadon is a mount, by your argument I'd say, sure the skink flys away, leaving the stegadon. so...
So your playing someone, and you cast the spell, on the character(not the mount, just the character) and start moving the mount, and your opponent...
all skinks/kroxigore(or anything else aquatic) have the following strider abilities, lake, marsh, river. strider allows a creature/unit to ignore...
except it doesn't say character and his mount, just the character, since the character but not the mount gets to move, he cant...... by all means...
why would the spell affect a chief with steg, the spell clearly states a character, which ill admit that the chief is, but hes also on the mount,...
if its cheaper in your armybook, then you use that cost instead i do believe. I unfortunately don't have ether on me to cross check but I think...
You're putting way too much over thought into this, the easiest way for you to find out who gets to fight is to start at the front, file by file,...
mixed krox can still attack over skinks using the supporting attacks rule(but they get 3 attacks) also if you horde your skinks they get to attack...
in combat they cant be picked out(great reach is now ignored) they get no stomp(need to be in base to do it)
a fail kills the model aoutright, failing some rule keeping them alive. I don't think you'd get the banner re roll(i think its just for panic...
teclis high loremaster ability allows any spell he casts with doubles that beats the casting value of the spell to be irresistible,(HE AB pg 66)...
thats actually ignored as per the new LM FAQ, you you don't ignore the 5-6 result. in the previous edition a 5-6 allowed the opposing player to...