Johannes you can make that roll after cupped hands, but if you roll a 2+ on the cup the miscast is ignored anyways. I may have compeltely misread...
Arli's interpretation of it is clear yes, not saying it isn't. but its still an interpretation, just like it would be if I said that it can be...
i could've sworn i posted here earlier.... in the Core FAQ(1.3) they describe that the 2+ throne save occurs as the miscast is occurring, while...
hey all, been awhile, got my cold one cavalry converted to DE cold ones, which look way awesomer(totally a word) [attach]
to be totally honest, I'm pretty sure whoever wrote this has no idea what the question is discussing. keep in mind, that A) the miscast is still...
oh skink archers, i totally missed that bit. my bad. skinks treat all their ranged weps as poisoned, so i would assume they'd get it on arrows...
skirmishers already have effective rules for making them armed with javs and shields for 7 pts. the only thing you lose out on is the ability to...
that actually makes me laugh, since they went so far as to add the words "special ability" to all the other little parts in the FAQ.
yes yes aaaaand yes. the only limit is that the TG can't use the slann's Ld through the "inspiring presence rule" not through the "highest Ld in...
least its better than 40K TLOS where it just says that a model has LOS if it can "see" you(so from its eyes) want to shoot my guy, well I'm...
cold one cavalry. under special so in effect, the pts you spend on 1 unit of CoC are attributed to your CORE pts(25%+) instead of your special...
all your armor and scaly skin saves stack, so an oldblood with SS(4+) and light armor(+1 for 3+) and a shield(+1 for 2+) on a carnosaur(+1 for 1+)...
i thought tetto knew the whole lore, my bad. if he doesn't then yes he would fall into the "must roll his spells" category. the point being that...
Im pretty sure you're limited to 1 copy of each remains in play spell on the field at eny time. but i dont have the book on me atm, so il have to...
the only times you can have multiple copies of the same spell in a list are with the signature spells(specifically any spell you toss another...
skirmishers wander around in whats called a loose brick formation, just imagine a brick of skinks with 1/2 inch between them all instead of B2B....
dunno about the head, but i used a TG arm for the weapon, and i do believe a TG arm for the shield and he looks fine.
yes. as its not magic, you can still use it in combat, also, you cant dispell any of the engines abilities.
I'm sorry for the quick double post here, but i put some extra work in today and got my BSB all done up. I completely forgot that i didn't have a...
these ones? i got 4 or 5 spares i can unload for ya if u pm me about them.