Last of my new stuff for abit, until i buy more. Cold one Cav (See later post) Salamander...
Updated my slann pic, i MUCH prefer the blue coloring to the green, it blended so well...
Have you guys put any thought into how the forums going to handle the change? By what i mean is, I'm also a member over on advanced tau tactica...
a carnosaur cant be picked out if its in a squad tho right? because its not unit STR 5 or monstrous or something, i read that somewhere.
I'm wondering where the rule saying you get the whole wound value of the model from is? As far as i can tell you caused a single unsaved wound,...
heads up, its a slann, a REAL slann, not just a cooler looking stand in model. (see later post) and his chair...
I got me a fancy new(for me) digital camera, for free even, so i should be able to get more minis pics up when i get things painted. props to me
yup, you keep fighting till someone kicks the bucket. arli's completely right
Ive actually run him in a few games, and he just isn't worth his point cost, especially considering the relatively short range of a blowgun, and...
The only question I have about the whole "it dies so I get 5 wounds for combat res" thing, is that the only wounds you count in combat res are the...
From my read of the situation, it seems like while you get the frenzy rule immediately, you don't benefit from the extra attack on profile for the...
Hey all, strewart suggested i put up my temple guard here so I will, always happy to oblige. I apologize ahead of time for the quality of this...
Yeah, I absolutely hate painting, its why I favor my nids, cuz they're just black with green armor plating. If Im lucky I'll have my Lizards done...
I actually read into the previous AB painting stuff so i started getting the right mix for the stone stuff that LM have(grey/black mix) Either...
I'm actually painting mine according to the GW "classic" saurus look(blue on aqua or w/e it is, it escapes me atm) and though this works fine for...
I saw that, whats the difference between url and linkeh? ooooh, that makes sense then.
Hey all, its me cravenus. I've been playing Lizards for awhile now, least a year, though I'm really slow about painting them. You should be able...