Thanks, @Slanputin, for both the advice and compliment! You won't have to wait too long, hopefully - story one, part one is just waiting for a...
I think I agree with you on the threshold, to be honest. I'm writing Tziruzitza's "origin" at the moment, and in retrospect I see exactly what you...
Nothing wrong with handbags and shoes (she says, whistling innocently at the thought of where her own monthly budget goes...) Anyway - back to...
Wow, those Secret Weapon Miniatures boards look fantastic... In terms of building your own, have you thought about using wire mesh (maybe a...
Thanks! I like to take off-hand comments in the fluff and make my own off-hand comments about them, to see where they lead... In this case, it's...
An interesting group! Some really nice (and different) ideas in here - good stuff. It's always nice to see what life outside the jungle is like,...
Why do I get the feeling there's a backstory here? :D
Wow, that is simply great!
Heh - nicely done "inside view" :) While I'm personally in the AoS camp, I'm really looking forward to seeing how 9th Age develops - especially...
This is a good piece, and an interesting line of thought on the setting - nice! I like the idea that there are constellations without Slann, too...
No problem; it didn't spoil anything for me at least, but it did perfectly illustrate the issue! I was wondering whether I should do the same,...
Blank slates are good and bad in equal measure, for me at least - hence my asking for validation feedback about what I've got planned :) One more...
Hi Bowser - thanks for the vote of confidence :) When I first read our new background, I liked the idea of the Seraphon being re-embodied...
Wow... Where to start... Actually, that one is easy - thank you! I wasn't expecting such a detailed response, but it's really helpful and...
A second - and final - bit of exposition about my background... EDIT: spoilered the bio's for anyone who wants to keep the surprise for the...
I'm a bit late to the party, I know, but... Wow, 12 excellent stories! Well done, everyone :) One complaint, though - with all the great reads...
This is really good stuff - thanks for sharing it!
Same here... Let me know when you find out, yeah? :P Oh, and thanks!
Heh - that's... unfortunate :)
After much contemplation, I have come to the conclusion that the best place to start is at the beginning*, so here is an introduction to my...