But it doesnt give bonus scaly skin, it confers the special rule "scaly skin 5+". Just like putting ASF on a unit that already has it doesnt make...
The problem with using it as protection is that you never know when that pit of shades is comming. Since you have to drink potions at the start of...
I have been considdering putting the other trickster shard on the champion in order to remove some of the saves that our opponents get. I am...
I have two questions. 1. Am i right to understand that if a unit has ASF+higher initiativ and hatred they will not gain anything from the hatred...
Another thing to keep in mind is to be afraid of random movement stuff. I have played a couple of games against an O&G player who uses a squig...
First of all that was my point exactly, 8 dice to reliably cast a spell is realy not a problem since they max out at 6. However i am pretty sure...
I will repeat myself and request a couple of battlereports from that army since you rarely see anything but straight battleelines in any LM...
It seems as you have planned it well and you will probably give everybody a good fight, however I do not understand how you are to handle 3 or...
That list might work on its own but I am not sure how it will work when it is combined with bretonian cavalry. You are dependent on minimising...
That unit would need to skip the command unit but you realy wouldnt need it anyway :). What he means with not having to cast so many spells is...
The slann is not a large target at all that has been FAQ:ed. Now he floats upp so that his LOS is just above the heads of the TG guarding him. In...
Only the two first ranks are allowed to fire unless you use bows. This means in a 6 wide unit of skinks with two krox only 8 will be allowed to shoot.
Dont post points value.
Razerdon without handler, 8 saurus with musician, skink priest with plaque of tepok, You would get some range and some damadge and also a...
I can not understand why people are constantly complaining over heavens. It has good buffs and highstrength attacks. On top of that the damadge...
If you are intentionally playing with the 7th edition rulebook then ignore me. However in 8th edition you do not have hero/lord slots. Instead...
Welcome back to the hobby. There is a thread about the best stegadons in another thread and so you might want to check it out. It seems like most...
Chameleons will suffer from lack of numbers though. Played a skaven opponent who brought 3 solo warlock engineers, all with warp lightning and a...
For the record the +1 armour save from shield would have worked just as well with any magic weapon. It is only the 6+ ward that is lost when...
Allways glad to to spread joy in the hearts of my fellow Lizardmen :D .