Dear short and bearded failed creation of the old ones. Though i would generally not work to overthrow my kinsmen I can only assume that this foe...
I heard of a tactics that might not be a good strategy overall, however against hydras and especially HPA:s it will probably at least deal with...
As I understand it you wonder if cavalry get any extra penalties when charging spears. The answer is No.
What i say is that cuped hands work both before and after the result is decided. It ignores the miscast before and then hands over the miscast...
The way I see it, there are a number of steps that need to be followed when a miscast is caused. 1. A miscast happens, use your choice of...
That is just wrong. LM are way more inclined to ally with the races of order since they all have a part to play in the old ones plan (maybe not...
If you are new to warhammer alltogether and want to know what to go for when you start up your very first army then i would agree with vapor and...
I realy dont believe that it has to be all that black and white as many of you make it out to be. Warhammer is played by alot of people who have...
It has been discussed in length on many forums and I am pretty sure that no 1 right answer has been decided on.
I want to join in on the praise and say that this looks epic. I guess I would suggest more core (saurus and skink skirmishers) but since there...
Split the chameleons into 2, 5-man units. Use the salamanders as 2 units of 1 salamander (will cause more panic and panic is your friend against...
I would suggest removing him altogether and invest the points in salamanders or chameleon skinks. I would also considder doing the same with the...
And a champion cant use "make way" right? So if you charge a unit and make sure your not in base contact with him (i.e. in the side rear) he cant...
In addition to what has already been sugested I would ad becalming cogitation on the slann. if he goes for a lot of magic then Becalming...
Phas protection is used if the cannon will hit the target. Has been cleared up in FAQ if Im not misstaken. For example, if a stonethrower targets...
Ok, thats true. However in order for that to happen the hole of the template needs to be over the skinks. If the hole is above the Steg only there...
I feel quiet certain that booth cannons and stonethrowers will hit booth the monster and all the skink crew, so there will be no 5+ chance to save...
First of all I hate being the bearer of bad news but ryan 88:s Scar-Vet is not as good as you think. First of all he is ilegal since we cant buy...
Drop the drum, change the banner to standar of dicipline, remove the stalkers and add a unit of skink skirmishers. Other than that I would...
I would sugest dropping the TG in favour of more saurus and also removing the brave (he simply isnt any good). Other than that the most classic...