Shouldnt this work with densely packed skink skirmishers as well. Have never tried because i wasnt sure on how it would be recieved, but shouldnt...
I agree with strewart in that the arrogance of the elves is what causes their version of the story to be all about them. However on the subject...
Remove the points value. Your not allowed to show them.
Im not sure however if the extra S will result in a lowered armour-save for the target. Does anyone know how to interpet the spell?
I agree with you and think that the rules should be interpreted as you say. However I would still not be comfortable claiming that my...
IMO chameleons work perfectly for taking out the fanatics as well. move them up 8" away in your first turn and they will hurt him way more than...
That army will probably be able to take down most opponents. It will force many armies to come to you with your skinks magic and salamanders and...
I know you use the base S but do you get the extra benefits (i.e. flaming, armour piercing) if you have a weapon that gives that to you. I dont...
But if he have the maiming shield and the burning blade of chotec. Will the blades effects be used for the extra attack?
I would agree with the people saying that you need more TG. At least 20 or you will get withered down too fast (I would remove the cupped hands...
Check the errata. Reference Section – Magic Items, Paired Weapons Change the last sentence to: “In addition to their other effects, paired...
I totally agree that if possible you should weel the two units in my example in order to maximise models. In this case however the move would in...
Character name: Guluk the Grim Character type: Chaos Lord Army: Chaos Wariors
I admit that I am no fan of CoC but this post is forgetting that most units in warhammer are S3 and many units will not have armour piercing....
Can I ask a related question in this thread as well. Assuming the setup is that a unit of enemies (E) would end up allmost directly 1" in front...
However there is nothing in the rules that say you are forced to put the skavenpelt banner in a unit of skinks. This is a tactic that I havent...
Or where the monster would be placed in the unit after the transformation. On top of that would the TG still be stubborn if they are protecting a...
Not to be splitting hairs but the dragin orinces are no longer imune to fire attacks. Instead they use a 2+ ward save against flaming atacks. To...
I stand corrected on that point. However you are not allowed an extra spell for the engine is that right?
Running the risk of being a buzzkill I will side with hellbreaker and say that the lack of artillary is simply a part of the lizardman army and...