Just a notification for captain chameleon. You are aware of the fact that you no longer strike first when you charge right? Since you said your...
In what way does the channeling staff make him "pretty much a level 5 wizard"? I understand your logic for considdering him lvl 4 even though he...
Just because you dont like the answer in the FAQ doesnt make it wrong. The FAQ are allways "right" in the sence that they are the rules of the...
Sory to give an unsatisfying answer, but what you should do is buy another pack of saurus. 2 blocks of 18 wont cut it in a big game where you...
If you only have a d6 I find that the easiest way of randomising is simply dividing it in 2 (i.e 1-3 gives me one of the first 4 lores and 4-6...
Even though I know that this is not the part of the site where you discuss this, I cant let that slip. Our favourite lizards are still able to...
Dont see how it would be especially good in these situations. The BRB clearly state that you use the feedback scroll instead of an attempt at...
Seriously guys. Is there realy a person out there with the slightest interest of lore on the lizardmen who find it all that strange that a slann...
If its HE and Chaos your facing becalming cogitation seems like a very well-spent 50 points since they are known for rather strong magic...
You forget that the rules said no lord choices.
I am very interested in seeing wether slanns can use the magic carpet. IMO they shouldnt be able to simply because it goes against the entire idea...
True. Was probably considdered too good. However I wanted a senario in which u get a +1 to wound on every roll to make up for the fact that you...
I say drop the priest and possibly drop the scar-vet. I would also make the skinks into skirmishers. For the points you save I would give the...
In both cases my sollution is skinks. Camo-skinks make their points count every single time and with 1 group of 6-7 you will take out his...
If you dont roll any 6:s for your magic phase power dice, you are likely to get the spell through, assuming that your opponent doesnt have a...
Hi. I am a swedish warhammer-enthusiast who has been collecting lizardmen to and from for the past 7 years. I realy enjoy thinking upp tactics...
My first comment is on the chief on ancient steg. This model is great fun. Possibly my favourite model to field (right upp there with...
Another thought is mounting a sauros scar-vet on coldone, and giving him bane head and the rod of storm. Ad a shield to this and you get a much...
I would have loved to play a unit of 15 skinks with a front rank consisting of 5 skink chiefs. Buff it with some fun stuff from the lore of your...
Since it seems like if you want the list to be competative i have to say that you should drop the skink priest and the EoTG. The prieest wont do...