Recently the question has arisen concerning the distinction, if any, between characters and heroes. For example, the Carnosaur counts as a hero....
This came up recently at my local store... I'm pretty sure that when targetting a character on a monstrous mount, the character is assumed to be...
Last night I fielded a 1,000 point list consisting of a skink chief on stegadon, 2 priests and about 60 skink scouts armed with blowpipes... no...
Couple of posts here lately about a skink army... are these actually effective tactically? I can picture in my mind the battle going either...
We suffer from a rather odd lack of HE players in my area, so I don't have a lot of experience with that particular thing. I will look into it...
You don't have to go too nuts with the green stuff. I just put a layer of it underneat the rider's saddle, molding it to fit over the carnosaur's...
With the slann you just need to declare which lore you want to do, roll on it until you are happy, then declare another lore and repeat. You...
I don't always use a Slann, but when I do he gets a full retinue of 20 temple guard, full command, and a pair of magic standards. (cause fear, +1...
Yes, its a template spell... but one that auto destroys whatever it hits, no save. All you get is an initiative test. Basically a one shot...
My understanding is that you declare a lore, then roll one spell at a time until satisfied. Declare new lore, repeat.
I try really hard to avoid designing lists specifically to beat one type of army, even if I know that the tourny coming up will have mostly VC...
I played against a dwarf fielding the anvil of doom in a 2500 game once. It was a tough nut to shatter, as he had the thing socked all the way in...
Greetings all! I've known about the site for a while now, but just recently got around to registering. I have now been playing warhammer for...
I've had a small amount of experience with the new DE army on the 1,000 point scale. Couple of games, won them both - but both victories were due...