saurus are going to be a lighter shade of purple with pale purple scales, i like the yellow on the skinks as it makes them look poisonous but my...
i will try and get some saurus done next but progress will be slower now im back at work.
got my salamander & 4 crew done this morning, back to work tommorow so progress going to be tough. any feedback always welcome
cheers mate, i painted the first skink probably 2 months ago but actual time spent on the unit is probably around 3 or 4 hours. not sure if thats...
as topic suggests i have entered a new campaign that involves us starting with a fully painted 1500 points army and adding 250 points a month,...
i feel your pain, i have had trouble with this too, especially as 50% of my games are against empire. One small thing i have found that helps is...
i see so you would have to have it like so SSssss SSkkkk sskkkk ssssss would still look great
i have had some success with running a lone slann but its had its hariy moments. Probably my bad tactics im still pretty new to the game but i...
sorry i replied to wrong post
i take your points on board, they are all very likely to happen. I will still give it a go and see what happens. i will report back on friday...
decided i will try a different style of play for my game this week, i ussually have the typical slann, couple of saurus blocks, salamanders,chams...
while your on the subject can you guys clear this up for me, i had a game last week where my opponent claimed his warmachines are immune to...
i agree life is devastating but i try not to use it simply because its far too powerful and everyone else uses it. Light works very well when...
the slann you are suggesting is too many points for a 1500 pont game i believe, i am due to start a campaing myself at 1500 points so this is the...
as far as im aware mate cold ones are speciual choice not core.
i was told in a game last night that i cant put a skink priest in a unit of skirmishers because priest doesnt have skirmish spelial rule, is this...
what did this skink of doom have? not sure i ever seen it
hmm i see your point, if i lose 6 chams and the extra handler from my first salamander i can take an extra salamander with thos points.
yes a goblin would be great too. and as you say would be a great model to convert