i was thinking the extra damage on light spells just incase he takes a demon or two, i might be wrong but im sure woc have access to a couple of...
hi all, will be having my first game at 2500 points tommorow against a local woc player, i have nevr played more than 2k before and will be my...
here's my first salamander i got done last night any ideas on how to improve him would be great, just need to base him now and he will be...
as subject really just wondering if theres anything you can keep next to a carnosaur to get a look out sir roll, maybe a unit of kroxigors or...
hmm something to look into i guess, wonder if you could maybe use a unit of 3 kroxigors to look out sir then, arent they classes as monsters now?...
this might be a daft idea thats not allowed but im waiting for my rule book. can you keep a carnosaur within 3" of a unit and get a look out sir...
lol, loved it keep up the good work, maybe have the lizzies bullying some of the lesser races though. Infighting is not the will of the old ones
hi all, forgive me but i have yet to buy ther rules, waiting for island of blood but i have heard rumours that monstrous infantry units in 3 ranks...
i have had some success against hight toughness monsters with my steadfast skrox units, the krox actually have the str to cause wounds and negate...
Re: Thoughts on my colour scheme... lol i drybrushed with liche purple mixed with skull white too.
Re: Thoughts on my colour scheme... saurus looks great although its almost identical to mine, great minds think alike and all that. if you go to...
yes a battle report would be great thanks mate, best of luck 3k of chaos is going to sting a little
just got home and read my book, main issue i can find is that chief cant ride a cold one so would have to pay 35 points from his magic items...
i like that list thanks for thaking the time to give me the advice, very similar to what i was thinking myself, im definately going to go down...
3 games at 1500 points then the week after at 2000. i am wanting to get away from the predictable set up of slann with lore of life, i know its by...
hi all im sure its been done before but i have a friendly tournament coming up in a couple of weeks and im thinking of taking a full skink list,...
where it says img in your link mate change it to pic and we can see if on site, nm must have been my pc loading your pic slowly. i like the...
early stages still but just wanting opinions on my work so far, the skink will be rebased onto the slanns base as the skinks that defends him. i...
My slann is still not very happy about the coming of clan pestilens and believes the will of the old ones is that the vile ratmen be wiped out of...
hi all, this will be my first ever conversion as im relatively new to the scene, i have probably bit off more than i can chew but i intent to use...