i appreciate all the advice thnx, i have added a couple of skinks to each cohort unit and now have a krox in each for a bit of a kick. now my...
with regards to the hide of the old ones my slann will be nearby also giving a reroll on the stupidity check with the new rules, i wouldnt have...
im new to the army myself but from my small experience i would certainly take a salamander over a razoerdon, i like the razors and will use them...
ok i have just finsihed my list and have some points left so will up the tg to 16 and get them into combat, my list is as follows: Slann (bsb)-...
thats what i thought to be honest. 11 temple guard gives me 3 ranks so i think thats plenty for a unti thats gonna sit out of the way and cast...
Hi all, this will be my first game usaing temple guard and is 2000 points vs a mainly goblin list. would you take 11 TG or 16 the extra 80 points...
ok thanks for the advice, i am trying with the spear but cant get it right, i have tried adding a little more colour to the model to see how that...
ok here is my first attempt, what do you think to him and how he matches the skink. as always any feedback would be most welcome
now to start something else dont want a full day of painting ski9nks again if i can help it, i will move onto my saurus any suggestions on a...
ok thanks, that clears it up, so theres not much point shooting at anything with a good save of say 2+ with skinks cos they will get a normal save...
hi all, just wondering if skinks poisons work in combat ive had some people say it does and others it doesnt, also whats the situation with saves...
ok here is my amended list, any help would be great Scar vet (general) Sword of the hornet (ASF) enchanted shield light armour 14 saurus command,...
i will reply mate but unfortunately im not very experienced, looks good to me i like the concept and will be good to see the opponents face when...
many thanks for all the advice, i was thinking of going character light anyway and you guys have convinced me thats the way to go. unfortunately i...
the lightest highlight wa done in sunburst yellow
ok i think my eyes are going to fall out but heres what ive got done today, 10 hours non stop of painting. I have tried to keep every model to the...
unless im missing something myself (im new to the scene) skink priests can only take lore of heavens, i would take fire on the slann probably if...
just realised my 2nd salamander not going to be finsihed in time for game so i will have to field only 1. any suggestions on what to get with the...
yes for sure, probably more the fact it took me an hour on one skink than talent i would say but im hoping to get both faster and better with more...
ok so here is my first finsihed skink i have tried to make the shield look worn but not sure if it quite works. would appreciate any feedback on...