im new to the army myself but from my limited experience it looks a nice list, you can never have too many salamanders
Hi all, please see my proposed list against a 1500 point daemon tournamt list, this guy is in practice for AGOM over here so he has warned me his...
hi all, got a game against chaos deamons this week at 1500 points, i have never faced deamons before so should be fun. I have yet to use a slann...
what do you think? i think it needs more yellow highlights but dont want it too close to the skinks scales
had a little change of heart, what do you guys think to this scheme?? and which of my two ideas you prefer? once again any advice would be most...
we agreed no special characters so that rules 1 out, i thought long and hard about taking the banner but it would mean my bsb been a skink and...
Following my discussion on general forum here is my 1500 point list vs skaven, any feedback would be most welcome. Oldblood - blade of realities,...
i see many thanks for the info, think i will go without it then, will take a saurus bsb just for the resilience. I will post my list on the...
am i right in thining that hatred allows rerolls to hit and frenzy is double attacks, meaning my krox would have 6 attacks each rerolling misses...
forgive my lack of knowledge but im assuming a large unit of say 30 skinks with 3 kroxigors all with frenzy and hatred would be pretty nasty would...
hi all, im new to lizardmen and will be facing skaven tonight in a 1500 point game, im thinking of having a skink bsb and giving him the...
Re: Trade your old skinks/lizmen for my new ones i have about 30 old skinks if your interested? i live in Leeds UK so hopefully not too far away
ok done, ty for the help, what u think to them?
doesnt seem to be making a difference im probably doing it wrong im not very good on forums. what do i need to do?
i have recently returned to warhammer after a 9 year absence and decided to take up Lizardmen, i didn't want to go down the GW blue scheme as...
yes he is. i was thinking of 7th edition rule no lords with less than 2k points. so what do you guys think of the list where can i improve etc,...
lol just noticed a slight problem, dont think i will be allowed a lord in a 1500 point game, back to the drawing board
hi everyone, as topic says i am new and wanting some advice on the following list: i will be playing skaven if that helps Slann (becalming...