I was discussing this with some VC players the other day, they have a nasty combo for Transformation but said that the trick is to first get into...
Alright, I'm going to have to point this out to a certain Dwarves player I know, its just that after it was brought up to me a few days ago I've...
Wait....So your saying that rule is referencing to his Line of Sight being that of a large target? But then there would be no point in putting it...
Just a quick question, but can a Slann/Tetto'eko fire a magic missile into combat their unit is involved in? I know the rule is "As long as the...
Yes, in fact hes the only person I've heard of that might be hated more than Matt Ward. The Tomb Kings are playable right now, but very difficult...
Ooooo, note who wrote this: The only "Rob" I know of on the GW staff that writes books is Robin Cruddace.... The writer of: The new Tomb Kings...
Huzzah! Yeah I wish, but I didn't have carno models when we started this...Crossing my fingers for a lucky +1 army roll. Yeah I'm familiar with...
Hello to everyone, just a quick explanation before I get on to the specifics, I've currently been playing for about 4-5 months since my return...
I play Wood Elves as well as Lizardmen and the one thing I can tell you from what you said he is fielding is regarding the Dryads: They cannot win...
The miniatures are actually made by Ral Partha though, I think the game they were for was called Crucible. A pic of one of them that I've been...
I got these in the mail for a pair of carnosaur conversions the other day, I realize that the models don't fit with the lore but I've always felt...
Got a chance to work on this a bit the other day before a match (In which I was devastatingly defeated T_T ) Here are some pics with the primary...
Your a lucky individual then, the shop I play at (and the shop we play against) is full of power gamers who go by the word of the rules rather...
Agreed, I'm betting on a new chariot base and something on that enormous base the Zombie Dragon/Terrorghiest is on, would love to see our Carno go...
Ah thanks n810, I was using /img originally....My mistake.
*Sigh* I wish I could have finished mine, but the "paint stripper" in the garage just turned out to be thinner -_- so I was never able to get the...
I was lucky enough to find this terrain piece on Ebay, after which the company sent me a flier with my purchase to tell me their website:...
Yeah, its really easy to get a ScarVet/Oldblood down to a 1+ armour save, I was actually fooling around with Army Builder the other day and got an...
Magic Resistance pretty much just works vs. Magic Missiles now, so magic weapons would be fine against it. And if a VC player /ever/ charges a...
I'm looking at using one on a terradon with the Dawn Stone, Gamblers Armour, potion of Foolhardiness, Javalin, and Shield in an upcoming 750 pt...