2000 points Lizards for the win. Slann - Life Rumination Unfathomable Plaque of Topek BSB - Razor Standard 20 Saurus (Slann joined this unit)...
Venom of the Firefly Frog can only be used on mondane weapons, so can not use on War Spear or any magic items anyway.
Another reason for having a couple units of skirmishers is for soft drops while you are waiting for your opponent to drop his Hell Cannon, unit of...
I don’t think I have a favorite opponent army as much as favorite players. Most of the guys I play against have multiple armies and play them all...
Exactly, the only time I took him was in a 2400 point tourny and he was smacked down pretty quickly by Skull Taker, then the unit of Bloodletter...
I would say it applies to the unit he has joined, just like the unit gains the Stubborn Special rule once he joins the unit. Otherwise kind of a...
Nope all have to be at the same target.
Wondering if anyone here was going to this: The Broadside Bash 5th annual event will be held in February, 2012 at the Sheraton Gateway Hotel in...
Yeah I know it is dumb as well, but the reasoning is no character or item that can cast with IF and not have a chance of suffering a miscast. I...
Nice. Last Sunday I had a giant Horde unit of Dwarf Warriors, with Thane BSB I might add, flee off the table edge after my Salamanders did 3...
No Book of Hoheth. No Cupped Hands. No Teclis. No Tetto'eko. No Deamon Named Characters. Special Terrain Rules: Terrain is randomly generated but...
Skink/Krox unit will should work pretty well against the Hell Cannon. If you have 2 or 3 Krox you can throw a few S6 attacks into it, plus being...
Thought it would be cool if we had a Giant Bow, Giant Blowpipe or maybe a Stone Thrower mounted on the back of Ankylosaurus.
Correct, but Lifebloom WILL heal a Character or his Steg.
Nope regular steg is a monster, so yes you can heal wounds on it. Regrowth spell state – May not be used to heal Characters or their Mounts....
Spell states something like "cannot be used to heal mounts" so can it not be used to heal if the Steg has been taken as a mount? So apparently,...
Doh! Army Builder allows it. Well to anyone that I used this build against my apologies, I did not know.
I have started to build my Deamon Army and I am going all Slaanesh (as in the title of this post) So far I have: 50 Deamonettes (2 units of 25)...
I give him a Blowpipe and Venom of the Fire Fly Frog. Gives him rerollable Posion attacks, good for hunting warmachines. Have never done it (too...
I use him for that or give it to a chief and fly him behind enemy lines. He is also good for driving fleeing units where you want them. He has a...