Both but Camo Skilnks are best for war machine, monster and lone character hunting because they can scout.
[attach] @ Silent Death moving 90 degrees before you roll the dice and move would be a reform.
You cannot charge a unit that is not in you forward arc because you can not see it to charge it. Target still have to be in the charging unit’s...
;) That did not say anything at all about it not working but infact reinforced the tactic. From Warseer - "…rolled high enough and you don't...
Page 41 LMRB, but I think that pg 98 WHBR pretty much covers it with the statement - “…Here we use a little common sense to make everything...
Page 16 MRB Attacker- Declare charge - Must be able to see what you want to charge, front arc and within distance. Which the Skirmishers are when...
I am a Graphic Artist by trade and work better when things are presented to me visually, I created this chart to illustrate how this works, and...
This is a solid tactic – Place Skinks so just 1 single model is in the front charge arc of the ORCs. When the ORC unit declare their charge...
A Slann that could ride a Steg with an Engine of the Gods would be pretty epic.
A “Lower" Horned One? From my experience my lower horn has made me make some really bad decisions in the past. I think the “Stupidity Rule”...
Page 105 - Template weapons hit everything even if it just touches the base of your Steg, a Rock is dropped on you or a Hydra Flames you the same...
Steg and Crew still count as all one model for testing; except for templates and cannon balls. And yes you are 100% correct Pit of Shades is a...
Steg and riders are considered all one model except in the case of template weapon where everone is effected, so would just be 1 test for Dwellers...
Table at home = Beer.
I belive you test on the highest stat of the entire model. Steg vs Dwellers uses Steg Strength. Steg vs Banishment uses Skink Initiative.
Is it the crowd is getting younger or is it just a case of us getting older? I have just started playing 40k and I have noticed that in general...
Who is doing the book; Forge World as well? How does that work when it comes to tournaments?
I am still guessing: 1. Dwarf 2. Wood Elf 3. Bretonnians I think Dwarfs next because they are really a marquee army in the Warhammer World....
Take regular Skinks and drape Scenery Moss on them so it looks like they are wearing Navy Seal Gilly Suits.
Skink BSB on Ancient Steg with banner of Eternal Flame 4d6 Flaming/Poison shots and Flaming Impact Hits END Hydras! But on the flip side 20...