Go with 2 Skink Priests LVL 2, Give one the Plaque of Topek odds are greatly in your favor that one of them will get Comet. (Not a mathematician...
A couple units of 25 Saurus blocks in front and a Life Slann in a unit of TG castled up right behind, add a Steg (or two) on the flanks, add...
Yeah this is a carry over from 7th ed. They need to spell it out a little more clearly. How does it work with things like Teclis or the book of...
One more thing: Just read this on another forum: Tzeetch Wizard using 3rd Eye could cast racial Cataclysm Spells like the Great Leveler against us.
Comet is a dwarf crusher. Most Dwarf players, myself included, set their lines about 4-6" inches back of the deployment line to buy another turn...
Have played this list against 3 different HE players and have won all 3 game soundly. Thought I would share. Slann (Life) Rumination Becalming...
I don’t own the book but I read a little more of the store copy whenever I go in to my Local but here is a little more I gleaned yesterday....
Yes, you create your list as normal but on top of that you get extra points to buy bound monsters (1/4 of the total value of the army). Example:...
Thumbed the book again yesterday and I noticed that any wizard who controls a fulcrum can unbind his opponents summoned monsters on a 3+. Player...
Chief with Warspear on a regular steg works pretty well, but I have no intention of shooting the bow I want him charging into cc. But I will admit...
I am thinking of starting my conversion of him using the Slann for the Warmaster line. You can see it on Games-Workshops web site.
Again off topic but thought I would point out TG cannot choose to use Hand Weapon and Shield in CC they have to use Halberds. They do get shields...
It was my undserstanding that either field the Slann sans TG or field a bunch of Skink Priests.
Not sure if Kroak is worth it in a 2400 point game. For the same price as Kroak you can take a tooled up Slann (using Life or Light against VC)...
Just glanced at the book briefly yesterday at my local, but it is my understanding that when you spin the spinner in the back of the book there...
For just over 250 points Tetto'EKO is not a bad hero choice. I have used him numerous times Level 2 Lore Master Skink Priest, 5+ ward, sits in...
The Orcs have found a new home and my Ultra Marines army just doubled in size. Thanks for looking. Cheers I think I am going to start playing...
Considering Lizards dont have a lot of long ranged attacks they will have to get into close combat with a Space Marine to win, I dont see them...
I got to check out a few yesterday and the detail is AMAZING! And they are light as a feather, so no more having to pin large models and so on....
I don’t know how well it would work but a cool option might be to use the head from a Cold One, specifically the one from the new plastic kit that...