Things I would like to see: Skink Fast Cav - put them on a something lighter, faster and cheaper than a Cold One (and not stupid). Skinks with...
Sorry I do not understand the question? If you are asking if the Slanns can still cast if the Skinks in the unit he has joined shoot? Then the...
I whole heartedly agree, when our only weapon with any real range is a giant bow and it hits so sporadically it is unreliable for taking out war...
At the last minute I changed my 2nd round Ard Boyz list. I woke up at 5am and had this idea, I built a 10 story tower and stuffed it full of...
I completely changed my list last minute and took 5th. 2 Slann (Life & Shadow) 3 Skink Priests 2 Shink Chiefs 145 Skinks in a Tower 2 Stegs 2...
Played an 3000 pnt Ard Boyz practice game last night against TK. TK Achilles heel is poison, Chameleons took out Casket turn 1, Giant Blow pipes...
That is rather Myopic; considering any Army would be hard presses by those lists. But I would deal with them the same way I would deal with any...
But auto wounding on 6s even against T6 and better, with the average number of shots for 4d6 being 14 could potentially get 3-5 wounds. So if I...
2d6 Flaming /Poison Shots or a d6+1 Flaming Impact hits on an A-bomb or a Hydra will generally put it down. Also 18” Inspiring presence. @Taipan...
Yes I am nervous about running without a Dispel Scroll, but I just could not fit it in. And I am maxed out on Hero points as well. I thought...
Still tweaking but would like some feedback. Slann (Life) rumination mystery Becalming Cupped Hands Ironcurse Icon Old Blood Cold One Blade of...
I played a 2400 point game. But he was not fielding a traditional TK list. 16 units of 10 Archers (always hitting on 5s and 6s is pretty nice) 1...
This rule really hurts DE and anyone using Death Magic and counting on the extra power dice. The 12 max power dice is a rule that we use in our...
Deployment roll to see who chooses sides - player who wins chooses side and drops a unit. Player 1 wins. Player 1 chooses table side Player 1...
My Slann was also on a 40mm, I just glued that ontop of a 50mm and matched the basing already on it. That is the easy fix, as far as the...
Like the Dwarf Rune of Brotherhood (20 points if I remember correctly). It allows a Character to join a unit if Ranger Scouts or Miners! Pretty...
When I made the comment about joining the SKROX unit I was thinking that the Slann was on a 40mm, which he obviously is not, so it was a dumb...
Upon further investigation: It is not directly addressed what happens when a character without the Chameleon rule joins a Chameleon Skink unit....
I know he would not be able to scout that is not the point of the unit. The idea is damage control, reducing the effectiveness of shooting against...
Yeah I know I was just looking for someone to give me a way he could be put into a SKROX unit. But I am more interested to know if anyone is...