does anyone know models that can be used as explorers. preferably swords over spears, some archers and if possible some flaming torches.(i can...
I know, they should have at least been 2nd
Does anybody have ideas as to what to do with his shield. when its on his arm it takes away from the fact hes holding a heart. Im thinking maybe...
its actually based charadon granite but i gave it a blue wah before adding layers and a black wash after the highlighting. the scales have since...
agreed. but check this out. bottom of the page
Ill make sure to post pics along the way. Has anyone got any advice on making swampy/river areas and plants. ive already got a few good ideas but...
High all. despite having only just come back from a 4 year warhammer break, im going big and am going to enter a diorama in Golden Demon...
The photos dont show a lot of the shadeing and highlights but let me know what you think
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I tried using the pic tag but it told me the image couldn't be more than 1 pixel wide
it say the dimensions cant be found and when i fixed that it tells mi they cant be more than a pixels wide. this is using the img command and a...
That steg looks unreal. i want mine to look pretty much the smae only istead of a red finish it will be more orange to go with my skinks scales....
Hi guys, as ive stated before ive only recently started painting again from a 4 or so year break. any way, when i started painting my saurus i...
that looks unreal. what colors did you use. also if you want a croc maybe mix in some catachen green in the final layers
It is possible i guess, but it would look shite. It would be the wrong shape compared to the rest of the hound and a completely different look...
looks great. Loving the carnosaur. I only have 1 criticism, and that is the gold. I dont know why but it just seems too gold, maybe a sepia wash...
Thanks thats good to here. Its too bad they dont do inks any more though because ive painted a few leather clad goblins that look unreal. Ill...
Hi all, I started painting warhammer when i was about 14 and am now 20 but i havnt painted them in about 4 years. My Saurus are blue based with...