hm the skink starseer can already generate CP so if he dies when he had the brooch you will not win any CP anymore so maybe it is better to give...
Hello , just the general can have a commandant trait , and you have one artefact + an artefact with the batallion so you can take a second...
ok i will try this ! thanks a lot
Hi , I have the start collecting with 8 Knights , you say that i can build 3 of them in salamanders ? Is there a tutorial for this or Something ?...
Coalsced , koatl's claw Leaders : -scar veteran on cold one 110 points -saurus sunblood 130 points -skink starpriest 120 points -skink starseer...
Okay i really like your call , i think now i have my list ! Thanks !
hey , it's hard for me to find the better 1k point list between this 3 : Coalsced , koatl's claw Leaders : -oldblood on carnosaur 250 points...
Okay i will go for spears then but yet i have rend only on carnosaur. Hope the warrior will still do the job with serpents staff buff Thanks !
Sorry but again i have a question For my unit of 40 saurus warrior can i play the clubs for the rend 1 or i should play spears for the range ?...
oh yeah i forgot that , i have to play one unit of 40 , i can't split. I will try this list and if im not happy with the carnosaur i drop him for...
yeah i see maybe this double buffs + buff of starpriest is too much for one unit of 40 saurus , should i play 2 units of 20 saurus instead ?
Okay , i though about dropping the carnosaur but i though he can be good vs alone target like sorcer or target with a lot of hp , i will try it...
Hi again , I have my first matches with this army in few months and i want to make some changes. Here the new list : Coalsced , koatl's claw...
Okay let's go on then ! Thanks guys for all your advices !
Good evening , I come back one more time with my final list(i hope ahah) Coalsced , koatl's claw Leaders : -oldblood on carnosaur 250 points...
Okay thanks for tour answer !
Okay i see , i will make a list with an oldblood , some starpriest and priest or starseer for the buff and maybe an astrolith , and then a lot of...
Hi Again Today i played with a friend in a 500points battle and i found that saurus warrior and knight were pretty strong with an oldblood in...
okay thanks a lot ! one last question , 2 bastiladon is good or should i change one for a engine of god or a stegadon or an other creature ?
first thank you for your quick answer ! Now i understand why carnosaur is better than troglodon. So i change troglodon by an oldblood on...