I'm also thinking about the Flank attack problem you mention. If your opponent sets up a flank charge, your very likely to know that its coming...
5 Wounds @ T8 with Etherial and 4+ Ward (4+ Regen if they negate the ward somehow) regaining wounds from lore attribute and regrowth. The Slann...
Forgot to mention it also has the advantage over the temple guard unit that the Slann can add wounds back on the unit through Lore of Life...
Hey Am thinking of a build for a Krox unit as I never use the ones I have. Let me know what you think or if you've ever tried anything similar...
Hi, Interesting list. If the slain is going to run solo you may want to consider the crown of command.
Re: The Army of Mage-Lord Xhucha (Still in Works) This army isn't even close to legal,
Against that sort of firepower make the slann etherial. Also as your not running temple guard you could also give him crown of command and BSB...
This is why I use Light instead of Life so I can buff multiple units at once. WS10 I10, -1 to Hit, ASF +1A on both units at the same time can...
I'm brand new to Lizardmen having played Orcs & Goblins for the last 18 months. Tonight is my first battle with the army. thought i'd chronicle...
I also wouldn't be able to take and Sallies if I managed to get a Ancient Steg in and I think they may be useful against Chaos Warriors and...
I really like the Idea of Something big and hard hitting with impact hits and Thunderstomp but I can't get the Ancient in at 1K as he's too many...
I have a steg model, would you consider using it?
Hi. New Player. Building my first 1000 points alongside my mate who's doing the same with Warriors of Chaos. Suggestions about what i should...
True...The game doesn't even itself out until you're playing at about 2K
I've been taking a look at what I might use if I where you and I think i've settled on: Skink Chief on Terradon with Light Armour and Shield and...
If your planning avoidance tactics why not skink chief with staff of lost sun a charmed shield on Terradon. there's no way anything your opponents...
At 500 points total I would consider running L2 Skink Priest with Plaque of Tepok. A Level 2 running around in a unit of Skink Skirmishers with...
The Slann can play as the BSB and General. Its one of the only characters that can do this. Its a great Idea for 25 points be careful with him...
If I could add up I would have noticed that :) Thanks. WI will swap out for the dragon helm I think. I'll have a re-think and see where I end up
So...With the comments taken on board and a few questions answered this is the new 1000 point list 2.0 Let me know what you think. Scar-Vet,...