I think I'm going to be painting the bits that are close together with the model fully assembled, Carno or Trog version. So the bit on the neck...
Would absolutely love to get the set of 3 of these. Absolutely gorgeous. e-mail is nico.r.keith@gmail.com
Hey folks, got a few general hobby related questions that I guess fit here the best. Recently purchased the Carno/Trog kit and realized I wanted...
It's more for the warmachines. 50% chance his cannon won't be doing D3 wounds to my Bastilodon? I'll take it.
I think I'll probably be switching lores on a battle by battle basis. When I go against the Dwarf player Heavens is great because of Iceshard, but...
Hi guys, just got back into the hobby and my local GW happened to be having an escalation league starting first day I went in. Made a quick dirty...
Hello Lustria-Online! A quick (re)-introduction of myself. I used to frequent these forums a good 3-4 years ago before college stopped all my...