No comments? Is the list just that perfect :D ?
Banner of Discipline, Banner of Flame, and Mask of EEE are Common Magic Items from the Big Rule Book, that anyone can bring. Full Command refers...
I wish low magic lists like this still worked, but the truth of the matter is, a magic heavy list is likely to eat you alive. The steg is very...
I have a tournament coming up on Sunday and I have yet to play with my lizardmen in this edition (and I haven't used a Slann since 5th!!!!!) I've...
Subject says it all. Teclis was a beast before but with the new lores and the ability to roll 6 dice (almost guranteeing a double and thus...
I use a unit of 22 skinks with 2 kroxigors and full command. I deploy the skinks 5 wide. This unit costs almost exactly the same as 4 kroxigors...
Well I have come out on top in 2 test games against a very competent Empire player so far. I want to get a few test games in against warriors of...
I will take this under advisement, but I REALLY like the skink/krox unit in 4th and I firmly believe one of the reasons that that 5th ed list...
So I will be going to the Battle on Beale indy GT next month and I haven't played a single game with the new LM rules. Perhaps foolishly then, I...
Having a highelf army in addition to my lizardmen (and others) I can attest that they are a tought opponent for many armies, but lizardmen doesnt...
I have painted my lizardmen army (which is very very old) with the old fluff in mind. That each unit is a unique spawning and usually has unique...
So far I have had 2 test games with this list, one against a magic heavy skaven army and another against a balanced Horders of Chaos list. The...
I love the stegadon, I have always used one and I always will. They are a flank destroying unit. The key is to make it the last, or one of the...
The scariest thing, and also one of the things that attracted me to and has kept me with the army for the past 9 years is their versatility and...
The 'Ard Boyz semi-final won't be til the 31st of May I believe, but I will try and write up a batrep after that (hopefully detailing my success...
While dwarves and wood elves are very different armies (and both can vary wildly from person to person) we, as lizardmen, are lucky to have units...
Looks like a strong army, I would advise dropping the spawning of tepok in favor of Quetzl, the extra dice wont likely be missed and the spawning...
I would assume this was for the 'Ard Boyz Semi-Finals. I can easily see this army decimated slow or static armies. The problem I would see is an...
I plan on using him as a kind of backfield JSoD. He will go where he is needed, either to threaten small elite units, skirmishers, or flying...
First post on the forum, so hi. This is my list for the upcoming 'Ard Boyz semi-finals [had to drop my Beast/Mortals army due to the new books...