I think its a good start. Skink priest in the skrox unit, i would add full command on units with characters to avoid challenges when needed. Try...
I had the same problem. 1st one was absolute crap. Called gw sent out a new one. Carnosaur had holes in its face one nearly 1/4 inch. Called them...
If im not mistaken hellheart is one use. And chaos lost the puppet. Plus most tournaments ban or a large comp hit for cupped hands.
Skinks with lore of beasts would be nice. Those of you who use cupped hands, enjoy it while you got it.
This GW we are talking about. Like forrest gump said "Sometimes people do things that don't make any sense." Did empire really need chicken...
I think it would be carnosaurs or based off carnosaurs.
monstrous calvalry is not out of the realm of possibility look at chaos and Empire they both got them
Chariots in the jungle doesn't make much sense.
I think you are a bit off on some things. If anything the salamanders will be like warpfire throwers if changing at all. Slann with br nerfed a...
I run mine solo. Every time I use tg I miscast and blow them up. Unit of 26 and 2 turns and I have 6 left.
I play a lot of ogres chaos and brets. One thing I learned is not to try to go toe to toe. Flanks and rears. Use skinks to turn heavy hitting...
I am running 5 units of 10 with blowpipes along with 2 units of 10 chameleons to great success. My opponents don't usually know what to do with 7...
and at 2500 points 625 is the max allowed on lords.
Jungle swarms are good redirecters, and annoy the heck out of your opponent. More or less speed bumps that halt charges, march block, stop your...
New list looks good to me though. Give it a try. The play style is a bit different though. Try using the skinks to redict as much as you can. So...
I play a slann and a skink priest on the etog only. Just best ogres last night.
I already run that list more or less. Only 2 salamanders, but 20 chameleons and a 5th unit of skirmishers. Got a draw off woc army with...
Thank you for your help. It will help once I get to my display board. Currently I am trying to get my army done before may 17. Got the first big...
There is a few in soteks fluff. Would it be safe to assume they represent sotek?
Does anybody know if there is one in the fluff somewhere? My army theme is chosen of sotek. But I haven't been able to find glyphs to do banners...