scorhed brown with a light calthan brown highlight. might go back to him and add another highlight of vermin. also finished my prophet of sotek...
so are knoblars :D don't know which of the two would run away faster though?
My lizardmen army (update) Finished my scar veteran today. [attach] [attach] [attach] used a micro art resin base to make him stand out, even...
that's a good looking slann you painted there, like the orange to green in the hands. palanquin is looking good too. can you make a close up of...
thansk for the comments, and i do use a lot of terrarium plants for my lizzies. it gives them a nice jungle feel. GW one are very expensive, but...
GW doesn't carry bad moon yellow anymore, but vallejo has the same color and that one works fine too. 05 Bald moon Yellow
I decided to take some photos of the painted parts of my lizardmen army. and i will keep adding photos as more parts will be done. my 2...
to bad shipping is 20 dollars to the netherlands, thats just to much for 1 model. if anybody is ordering this model, can they order me one also. i...
i like the colour scheme, very sharp contrast. very nicely painted by the way. a full unit will look awesome when finished. are you gonna do the...
Re: 300 point club - March Submissions due by April 7th! love the splatter effect and the dripping blood. do tell how you did this, it looks...
i used thrakka green on the scaley parts, but thats it. may also be the crappy flash on my camera LOL
Finished up my engine of the gods last weekend. [attach] everything is undercoated in black. Base is done in scorched brown, with a bleached...
Re: 300 point club - April Fool's Day Painting Contest! i'll make some close ups tonight when i'm home. my skinks are done fairly simple,...
i like the puddles you've made , very nice. what do you use for water? also the water plants are nicely done.
Re: 300 point club - April Fool's Day Painting Contest! yesterday i finished my engine of the gods. [attach] and the jungle swarms i finished...
i've build mine as an ancient, so i dont have that problem, but i have heard friends complain about it too. he solved the problem with cutting the...
I'm looking for an old style salamander (one with the large backfin) and his 4 skink handlers. if anyone got one to sell, PM me. I live in the...
i usually pin mine, so i can remove them while transporting. i don't glue them anymore, they'll always break.
for those who have the new stegadon. the extra horns you get for the arches, can easily be converted to a musical horn for your skinkmusician. and...
here's the pic of my jungle swarms. [attach]