i would go SKrox but i really like the steg and also dont have my krox models till they arrive from reaper minis
at the moment im running priest shortbow, shield, helm, black lotus totem warrior shield, helm, axe, sword great crest x2 shortbow, axe,...
e-bay has jungle swarms for good price, Tiktaq'to tho is harder to find, id recommend getting a terradon w/skink and convert your own tiktaq
question: why did your army list have characters with swords x2 rather than say and axe and sword for parry and -1 as?
its ok i was using black lotus on my great crest that hit him
i shot at a guy with 4 skinks, the first skink hit and wounded on a 6 with poison etc, he was knocked down but when he was put on his side the...
mordheim tepok? uhhh i mean topic sorry my common tongue is not the best i played my first ever mordheim game last night and i must say it was...
hey, new player to warhammer so only play lizards, only have 3 months experience but these cold blooded bastards have me holding a win streak of...
i don't know what this 3 unit minimum req is, downloading 8th pdf now but was under the assumption that i was good since no one has hit me up...
oops my bad ah im still learning and forget things well it makes the list better anyway if i swap the chief for a priest. used the chief in my...
The Black Library Audiobook and Audiodrama titles. mostly 40k stuff about the horus heresy :astronaut: :spiderman: :jimlad:...
or you could try a stegadon swap for the COC? in my 100pts battles my steg hammer wins games on my very similar saurus anvil
This is my 1000pts army list/s, since its creation a few weeks ago its on a 9 win streak vs Bretonnians, Vampire Counts and Empire and one...
hey all, new to the forum but been using it for ideas to fuel my army lists and so on. my friends and i have only been playing for a few months...