Re: Color Schemes I really like the sound of it, I think the salamander veins would be cool but very difficult to get it to look right I also...
That's a good idea, but it wasn't for a base size: it was for a comparison; I wanted to scratch build a KroXigor but didn't do any background...
what do you mean by skink appartments? like where they will live or something like that? i think a marshy/swamp area with lots of reeds would be...
Hi, just a very generasl question: has anybody ever used any miniatures from games workshops warmaster section?...
how tall is the giant model from games workshop; if i beef him up a bit i could use it as a giant with coldblooded,scaly skin etc. :beaver:
What army do you have at the moment?
In my personal opinion I would say 75:25 towards skink skirmishers just because I prefer to play a shotting game and move the enemy were I want...
Well we could get a group of say 4/5 experienced lizardmen players (with a good track record) to make there best army list of the desired point...
I have finished painting my Sally! I gave up on the colour scheme I had gone for and went for a grey with a red Tint around the scales; it looks...
I suggest first get a couple of core units and a lord/hero and then Build an army around that rather than going straight out for the full 2000 points
the little one is better for quick reference during games; say you quickly want to check up on a rule it is far easier with the small one: its...
would it work as a lizard giant? (as long as my opponent agreed, of course
bit of an odd request: how tall is the kroxigor model? i am wondering because i am sculpting one but i think i have made him far too tall, will...
Excellent work: now I wish I did a more colourful colour scheme for my army (I stuck to Gws blue) I especially like the razordon, the skink chief...
so if i can get my hands on a steg and give it engine of the gods it will be a big boost to my army? i can see myself being on eBay quite alot...
How do lizards tend to fare against orcs? im wondering because that will probably be who i play first; my opponent will focus on units of orcs...
Yeah army painter have a massive selection of primer and a few quid cheaper (in the uk it is anyway) Also, a bit off topic, why is it bad to...
Im in UK (Derbyshire) where it rains a lot of the time: I'm actually beginning to forget what the sun looks like :D
Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen Loving the slann, but he could probably do with some very tiny highlights on his head/arms: but otherwise awesome!...
heres the pic, it looks a little longer from this angle but i do see your point; unfortunately im to far along the process to change it now....