i have just found this thread... wow. i very much like your water skinks, they look superb and still like individuals as part of a unit. your...
have you finished painting it yet, i can't wait to see the finished model; how do you go about painting the space scapes, is their a technique or...
just a thought; why not try doing a brown undercoat on the the feather and drybrush the gold onto it, that way it should stay thin and give you...
yeah i wasnt sure on the size, becuase its not very clear on the website. those tyrants would look really good as kroxigors, maybe you could use...
ithink you got the similarity/difference just right; excellent shading on the shields by the way, particularly the second saurus shield. if i...
hi, i have been looking for some alternativ miniature ranges when i found reaper miniatures, has anyone ever bought anything from them beofre?...
Re: Next AOW lizardman your work is incredible, have long have you been sculpting. i particularly like the models head, it looks very beast-like...
that makes more sense now, thanks for clearing that up. when its painted it will look like feathers. sorry for the confusion.
your army will look great in this colour scheme, very naturalistic and very unique. an army to be proud of fielding.
thanks for the advice, i had no idea; but according to the rule book you aren't allowed lords untils at least 2000 points, so does that make a...
i dont think your allowed a slann at 1500 points because its a lord. i may be wrong but i think yuor only allowed heroes up to 2000 points.
hello, i have contstructed my army list but am wondering if any improvements can be made. scar veteran ; light armour, burning blade of chotec,...
hello, i have 2 questions... the first being my skink regiment (javelins) wont rank up, can i make a movement tray with gaps or would that be...