J'ai vu ça SeBM et je t'en remercie ^^ Je vais de ce pas examiner ton blog Morikun
Bonjour !! It's not wrong my dear Old Mossy, the plastic plant look a bit fake... but I have painted these miniatures about 10 years ago and at...
Sotek Bless you my dear Danbot ^^ Here's the web site I told you. Guess what ? the american language is given and the store is shipping to USA...
Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update July 29th***) Congratulations Master Strategicommand : today in France all the frenchies ban be...
Hello guys !! Here is a new pics selection ^^ Today I show you a saurus regiment (Actually I've 3 regiments of 20 saurus but I've made a group...
Thank you very much my dear Danbot ^^ You can find the plastic plant in the pet shops specialized in fishes and aquarium I think... If you want I...
Very good painting my dears ^^ Personnally I would suggest my Venerable Lord Kroak (also more showed in my post too :...
Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update July 29th***) :jawdrop: What a fantastic miniature !! When I saw it I lost my english (my french...
Ooh, un confrère de la "Belle Province" de Québec !! Merci de lire mon post mon cher SeBM ^^ Today I will hurt your eyes guys. Prepair yourselves...
Hello, I like the purple color. Can we see more about the base please ? Morikun
Good night guys !! Thank you very much for your support !! I didn't sure that my miniatures would please you : american are very good at painting...
I follow my way with a lizardmen saurus cavalry regiment : Then, what do you think about my two skink chieves : And don't forget the...
Thank you very much n810. I will follow your words and I will post more pics very soon. Morikun
Thank you very much n810 I'm glad to read you ^^
Hi everybody !! I'm glad to show you a little part of my lizardmen army !! I hope you like it. Please, feel free to tell me all you think about...
Hi Guys !! Bonjour à tous !! Let me introduce myself please. I'm Morikun, I'm a french lizardmen player (since more than 10 years now), I live in...