An additional stegadon (perhaps another EotG if he plays magic heavy), Gor-Rok to catch his witch elves and other low-S nasties. Personally I...
3 terradons attack let's say high elf bolt thrower crew (2 guys). High elves strike first with 2 attacks hitting with 3+. Most probably they will...
Dude. If you lose 3 skinks from a unit of 12...IT HAS TO TAKE A PANIC TEST! So much for reliability. Your skinks won't get flanked any easier if...
Well if the frenzying unit doesn't declare a charge, it has to be measured if it can reach any enemies. If someone is within the unit's charge...
You can use terradons to get enemy flankers and warmachines with greater speed and reliability.
I once used 3 units of 20 temple guard in a 2000p game vs dwarfs. They draw all of their fire and destroyed every enemy infantry unit. Sure they...
There are always those 'special' cases when no-one knows what to do, but usually using your head makes all your problems go away.
First of all: Don't let this kinda shait happen! Try dropping those hounds from a distance, keep your flanks protected and if you got the balls,...
If you use such a...clever (?) tactic, why won't you line 'em 2x5? Cheaper and even less models get to attack them. I'd use saurus warriors for...
Wow! That's harsh dude...If I had to play against a guy who plays like that, I'd crack for sure.
As I see it, the amulet gives you a 5 out of 6 chance to avoid the first wound, but if you roll a 1, the item is wasted.
Man I love the face of the last one in the second unit!
Here is an alternative crew (or bloodthirster) hunter: Saurus Scar-Veteran + Light armour + Charm of the Jaguar Warrior = 115 (+ maybe a shield)...
We, you and I are not that different from each other. Same first looooove, many similiar army choices, almost the same age (just about a 10-year-gap).
Back in the 6th edition, when someone actually used swarms, they ruled. Now they are probably the worst unit-type in the game. I remember having...
Lore of Life isn't really that bad with certain types of armies. If you have 3 or more stegadons or other multi-wound models, then life is quite...
Yea well he is a T5 with 3 wounds, has 4+ armour and 6+ ward (being a part of the chariot he his hit on a randomised 6 when shooting at him). Not...
His friends are dumb...
Well I've practically won a dozen times with my O&G thanks to my Savage orc great shaman. He has a boar chariot, 3 attacks with Skull wand of...