I think your friends might be confusing the rule, you can use the shield for +1 armour save but you can't get the 6+ ward save - you only get that...
But thats what I'm saying, on page 105 of the rule book it clearly says that they get the chariot troop type, and the chariot troop type don't use...
The brick? I have no idea what that even is, what is it and where can I find it to read it? I did read the FAQ, but I can't see anything in there...
GW have confirmed this, do you have a place they confirm it? Is it in the FAQ? We did look in there but couldn;t find anything. I'm glad that...
Thats what I thought, but the 2 rules seem to contradict each other. The rule for a character in a chariot says it has the unit type of "Chariot"...
Can anyone give me a simple version of how a character in chariot works? Based on the interpretation of the rule book that I've been able to work...
Doesn't the BRB have rules on how to do the winds of magic for combined forces already?
You suffer -1 for moving and shooting. Marching is a special kind of move, but it's still a move action, so with quick to fire you don't suffer...
Points come from the Heros section - and you don't fit an engine into small games without making some serious sacrifices - but thats kinda the point.
For me it's the fact that the Mage can take a magic standard + magic items. If you take a scar vet he can only have a magic standard and no other...
ok so here is an interesting one - what kind of spell is the comet? Had this question come up during a game recently when the Skink priest was in...
Ok, so I've had an idea for any army list right from 8th edition rules coming out - but with warmachines being so good at killing monsters I've...
Strikeing first isn't that big a deal anymore. you remove casualties from the back rank so you always get your full amount of attacks back anyway....
A reform is what it says on the tin - it doesn't allow you to ignore the normal positioning rules therefore the char will have to go in the front...
Well every game I've tried so far the Slann has been useless - as I said he goes heavy into anti magic and I'l lucky if I get 1 - 2 spells off per...
OK, so I have a game next week against a dwarf player - so far he's managed to win every game I've played against him, he just seems to always...
Thats what I thought,, and yeah it does suck - basically makes the enchanted shield useless to us.
Ah yeah, good point, I forgot that. Or maybe just take 2?, freeing up a few points Was gonna run them standard jav + shield, but I might go...
Don't we have to pay 15 points for it as it's listed in our army list?
OK, so have my first game against the new Orc army book on Monday and need some help with the army list. It's my opponants first game with hte new...