Skaven, Wood Elves, Tzeentch, all of these i'm ok with when it comes to new releases. In fact, I think the new Skaven could look pretty awesome in...
That could be an excellent idea for a conversion if you had spare bits from a Stegadon kit to make a custom EotG type device in place of the...
Good point. I didn't think it would count. I just like the look of a Skink Priest riding an EotG much like in 8th edition. :p
I agree. However, it still won't stop me from placing a Skink Priest on a EotG cause I like how it looks in games and on my display shelf :cigar:
Exactly, Slanputin! I wouldn't be surprised if we even get our own set of terrain and a new, oversized Slann model since the trend of large show...
The most likely thing GW will do is eventually (within 1-2 years) release a brand new model range for the "Seraphon" that will resemble the new...
Found a new favorite dinosaur after visiting a museum with a special exhibition on dinosaurs from China. It's called Sinosauropteryx...
Saw "Dinosaur" recently and remembered how much I loved the music in this scene when I saw it for the first time. Anyone else remember this film?...
It should be re-released with the AOS system. Especially since GW wants a more narrative based system for battles. I'm glad you're all having fun...
Where did you get the tiles from, Lord Sa'rk? I'd love to have something like that for my gaming group :)
Not surprised. If he "willed" himself back to life during The End Times to save the world, it was bound to happen again. If anything, I'm glad...
There was also some jungle scenario rules in The End Time IV book for Lizardmen.
I like the look of the gates, but the idea of them being like gates to travel to other realms seems so familiar, but from where... [MEDIA] Now I...
I wouldn't bet on it, Nightbringer. Age Of Ultron and Terminator Genysis were supposed to be BO breakers and yet either failed to do so, or only...
[img] It's been too long since i've seen a Sean Bean meme :joyful:
One alteration I would suggest: Characters on flying mounts can join units of the same unit type (with maybe the exception being those riding...
It and Eoraptor, the dinosaurs who started it all! :oldman: Good pick, Lord Sa'rk. :cigar:
:smuggrin: I think you're on to something Pendrake. Maybe a new fantasy version of "Wings Of War" where the planes are replaced with flying mounts...
Not to be picky but its spelt "Spinosaurus", but you are right about the eyesight and familial relation to Troglodon! :p
I think its still very useful in attempting to "snipe" out Characters in regiments since the models under the template are the ones forced to take...