Not the one we...
True, Cars was never a favorite of mine, but Cars 2 was just a failure in story and execution. Pixar's only successful sequels (IMO) were the Toy...
I've certainly noticed an alternating trend of great and average Pixar movies. It started after Up! where Toy Story 3 was an amazing conclusion to...
I'd go with either Terradons or a Bastilidon.
I certainly worry about that as well. Many people I play with build their armies one new unit purchase at a time over a period of years...i'd hate...
Would this mean that in Jurassic Park 3, the Troglodon beats the Carnosaur in a measly 30 second fight?
Figures that GW would take the classic "what's old is new" approach even in "rebooting" the rule system. I remember the old Lustria campaign book...
Luckily, no models were harmed in the process of your courageous self-defensive from the snotlings. :p
That's exactly how I catch up on old shows like Reboot & Beast Wars. :p
That's Awesome! :cool::D
Itzi Bitzi? :hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious: Please tell me it was a skink...
You mean like Tiktaq'To, Grymloq & Lord Kroak? I was always fond of the cheesy names in the army. I'd rather have those names than Tyrion,...
I just paint on the same desk I do homework on. It's the only place I can really focus on the painting and not other people, etc. It also has the...
I'm pretty certain that anything that is finecast now will likely be on the list of models to go. Finecast hasn't been popular and doesn't sell well.
I'm currently trying to study Paleontology in university full time. Painting and playing Lizardmen in the part time :D
If there is enough points left over, give the Stegadon Unstoppable Stampede upgrade (+1A on the charge).
The burning question in my mind about Lizardmen post End Times is (if they are featured), how they will react to the other races that are...
Agreed. I miss having unique warrior units based by spawnings under certain Old Ones. Much like marks for chaos but for the good guys :D
This is my Lizardmen's victory song to dance to after a hard won battle! :p [MEDIA]
True. That's why I tend to wait towards the end of the magic phase to cast it, so that the opponent uses their dispel dice on a more dangerous spell.