I have a tourniment comig up this weekend and heres what i came up with tell me what you think Slann light 4 discplines- TBC HSOC SS TFR Plaque...
He is kinda look a little shall we say derpfull
Hey my local hobby shop is having a 1 k pOint team tourniment and i need a good compettive list, The tourniment matches u up witha random player...
You said you were going against skaven? if so id go light slann, I have a freind who plays skaven, and everyone knows skaven like cheese:) anyway...
oh didint realize about the poitn posting sorry, anyway ive tried salimanders and theyve never really did anything allways overshooting or other...
Hey I was wondering if kroxigars ina skink block would work well, any input?
Heres my freindly game 800 point list suggestions are welcome HQ Skink preist level 2 Skink preist Plaque of topek Saurus Oldblood Great...
This was an anti skaven army thats why i took the slann bcz of kaks call which made me take an inititave test or die and the slann has a spell...
Hey I just switched from 40k to fantasy and got into lizard men ive played a few small games and made this list please ive me your input Slann...
Thanks il try that, usaully i went with a preist and saurus oldblood because they soundee mos practical. Ive pnly playe like 5 fantasy games thats...
Hey i just knda switched from40k to fantasy lizardmen and my friend plays skaven. He has a list hat skitter leaps than throws a bomb at my...