So I got the chance to pick up these guys in a trade: I think they fit the...
I'll probably just pick up the whole set, but thanks for noticing!
I knew I could count on you guys to hook a brother up! Honestly, those are perfect.
Hey now! That's not a bad idea. I might do a head-swap, if I can find something a little less "beaky", but I like it.
I like the look of them, but I'm worried that they just a little bit on the big side. But the skin texture, absence of hair, and the neck fins are...
Hm. I have a bunch of the old Salamanders, so maybe with the Chaos Hound head-swap, they would fit the bill. Thanks for the suggestions!
Hi gang, My son has absconded with my Lizardmen to field while playing Mordheim, so I'm putting together a Dark Elf warband to counter him. I'm...
The staff was what was throwing me. I'm not at all familiar with the Empire bits. Thanks for the info!
Can I ask what parts you used to build the custom Skink Priest? Are all of the parts from the Troglodon rider?
What material are you using for your sculpt, Grimlock?
I like the list in general (I'm a big fan of the Saurus Warriors as solid core-troops), but I'm curious how you guys are handling your summoning....
The fellow who has nudged me back into playing again has the same setup for his VC army. It certainly beats the foam trays, to my mind...
Undoubtedly! (glad SOMEONE caught it ;) )
Thanks again, the visual was a nice added bonus ;)
So rare-earth for smaller part-to-part attachments like weapons, arms, bodies, etc., strip magnets for base-to-tray attachments. Thanks!
Hi folks, I've seen that some of you have magnetized various bits and bobs of your models, and I was wondering how everyone handles this process...
Ha! Seriously, you have no idea...
I love the work space. I'll take images of my own "work area" as well as the models and scenery I'm currently working on and get them posted.
I also love that you have a "painting den". Mine used to be a closet under the stairs...
We just started it this weekend, so it'll be a little while, but I'll definitely post for comments and critique!